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Iberian Biennial of Cultural Heritage

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AR&PA Volunteers

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AR&PA Biennial is looking for volunteers willing to collaborate with this event that will be held from the 8th to the 11th of November 2018 at the Miguel Delibes Cultural Centre.

The event, the only of its kind in Spain and one of the most important meetings at a European level, is intended to promote cultural heritage for everybody, from industry professionals to the general public.

It focuses on the topic Society and Heritage, so the engagement of social movements and volunteering in Cultural Heritage management is among the different approaches taken to address this theme, as they are considered a main resource or stakeholder which will become increasingly important. Hence, and aiming to raise awareness among young people, this t call for 2018 AR&PA VOLUNTEERS:

We are looking for people aged 18 to 35, preferably students or new graduates from degrees related to Cultural Heritage. We require availability for part-time positions, for either morning or afternoon shifts, during the Biennial.

If you are interested, please send us the fully completed registration form to

The number of volunteers is limited and the selected candidates will be able to complete their academic training by participating in a heritage related event.

The organisers, aiming to ensure an enriched experience, will:

  • Training course for the selected candidates on the AR&PA Biennial activities
  • Issue a Certificate of participation in the Biennial
  • Facilitate participation in the technical workshops, conference and other events of the Biennial the volunteer is interested in
  • Provide the 2018 AR&PA Report and related publication by the Consejería de Cultura y Turismo.

Deadline: 25th October